5 Things to Look for in Content Creation Services - Graphic design

5 Things to Look for in Content Creation Services

Creating content for your website is 62 percent less expensive than traditional forms of marketing. More importantly, it generates three times as many leads. Should you tackle content in-house or start looking at content creation services?

The ROI of content marketing is incredible. But putting a coherent sentence together is harder than it looks.

It’s even harder when you’re creating content, running a marketing campaign, overseeing employees, and paying bills. You get it the idea.

Creating valuable content is worthwhile. But it’s also so time-consuming that trying to do it yourself eats into its ROI. Content creation services exist to solve this dilemma. But as with any project, you need a service that fits your needs.

Want to nail your content the first time around? Here are 5 things to look for in content creation services.

1. Companies Showcasing Their Writers

Your point of contact in a content firm will be a salesperson, account manager, or occasionally an editor.

It is highly unlikely you’ll ever talk to the writers behind the scenes or even find out who they are.

The reason for this is simple. If you find a writer you like, poaching them is easy. You’d save at least 10%, and they’d make more money by cutting out the middleman.

Content creation services don’t want that – and you can’t blame them.

However, you should be able to:

  1. Request a writer and/or
  2. Ask to review samples of their work.

Familiarizing yourself with your writers will save you time and money. Knowing who rocks your pieces and who just doesn’t get it allows you to throw all your work at the all-star who understands your business and vision.

2. Ask About Two Types of Quality Assurance

Reputable content writing services will offer all kinds of quality assurance including editors, plagiarism checkers, and quick revisions.

You’ll want to ask exactly what services they use. There’s a difference between promising high-quality, original content and actually using Copyscape, Hemingway, and other services to ensure the article is publishable.

The second type of quality assurance is related to the writers themselves.

You don’t want good quality writers. You want amazing writers because you’re not just about creating good content – you’re talking about the difference between publishing words and generating sales.

Look through the services’ recruiting tools, if these are available online.

  • Are writers required to submit samples? In the form of links or free work?
  • How much are writers paid? If writers make a penny a word, you’ll find it difficult to find great – or even good – writers.

Look up the content service on Glassdoor. Are freelancers generally happy or are there a spate of reviews saying the negative things? This is important because high turnover means your content will vary.

3. Check Out Subject Matter Expertise

Are you a niche business with equally niche content needs? Keep your eyes peeled for an agency that targets your niche or somewhere around your niche.

Most content services will write about anything because writers double as professional researchers. A good writer (with a good brief) will be able to sound like a subject matter expert on any given general topic. They’ll be able to do so even when they’re not.

But if you’re looking for a cryptocurrency expert who trades Dogecoin, you’ll want to seek out an agency that knows more about cryptocurrency or at least tech in general.

Ask About Subject Experts

Subject matter expertise makes everyone’s lives easier.

First, you’ll get a better quality article the first time around. Subject matter experts don’t need to give it five go-rounds to come up with 1,000 words. Even being generally familiar with the subject matter helps.

Second, subject matter experts aren’t always the best writers. But when the agency is run by experts, they’ll know what to look for during the quality assurance process. They’ll provide the perfect marriage between style and quality.

Third, you won’t need to shop around after a few articles. Writing about esoteric, hard-to-cover subjects is no one’s cup of tea when they’re not on a salary. If you’re not dealing with an expert, you’ll drop them or they will drop you.

The bottom line is if you’re looking for content that you need a degree or three years of experience to begin to write about, you need experts.

4. Evaluate How They Measure Success

If you’re not assessing, you’re guessing. Data-driven content agencies are now the rule – not the exception. Find an agency dedicated to getting into the weeds of analysis.

They should mention KPIs like reach, engagement, and sentiment. Additionally, look for a company that is laser-focused on SEO

But you also want dedication to conversion. After all, you’re not posting content to get more likes on Facebook. An increase in sales is the bottom line – without revenue, there’s no content.

As a result, part of assessing how they measure success should include what they want to know about you. Have they asked about your revenue goals? What you’re looking for in conversion ratios or cost-per-lead?

All of these assessments are important if you want the words on the page to matter.

What’s the big takeaway? If the service promises amazing content but doesn’t tell you how they know it’s amazing, walk away.

5. Look for Thought Leaders

Content creation services do more than work hard for their clients. They also work hard for their industry.

A great service will post about emerging trends in content creation, including changes in SEO. They’ll be at the forefront of making those trends a reality.

Thought leaders are important because if they know what’s around the corner. That means they’ll create content for you reflecting those trends.

You’ll both be ahead of your own competition – and what’s more satisfying or valuable than that?

Content Creation Services = Greater ROI

Content creation services are a great way to blow the ROI on your content out of the water.

Good services attract great writers and tackle difficult subjects with ease. They’ll also measure the success of their work so they can adapt to make each piece better than the last.

Now that you know how to find the best content creation services go forth and begin your search.

Want to know what White Peak can do to help you build your brand, engage your audience and generate leads? Contact us to learn more about our content creation services today.

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